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Chapter 3: Nuclear Magnetism
 | Classical mechanical description (Larmor equation) |
 | Net magnetization |
 | Vector diagrams |
 | Control of net magnetization (lab and rotating frames of reference) |
Chapter 4: Radiofrequency Pulse Sequences
 | Net magnetization |
 | Equilibium |
 | Flip Angle |
 | RF pulses (Hard/soft pulses) |
 | XY magnetization |
 | Mxy precession |
 | Return to equilibrium |
 | Free induction decay |
 | Radiofrequency pulse diagram |
 | Design of RF pulses (Handout) |
Chapter 5: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signals
 | Radiofrequency pulse sequences |
 | Saturation recovery |
 | Spin echo |
 | Inversion recovery |
 | Gradient refocused echo |
Chapter 6: MRI Parameters
 | Spin density |
 | T1 relaxation time |
 | T2 relaxation time |
 | Phase coherence |
 | T2* relaxation |
Chapter 7: How to Measure Relaxation Times
 | How to measure T2 |
 | How to measure T1 |
 | T1 versus T2 measurement |
Chapter 9: NMR Spectroscopy
 | Definition of spectroscopy |
 | The PPM scale |
 | Magnetically important nuclei: Hydrogen |
Chapter 10: MRI Hardware
Whole chapter is for your own information (not included in exam)
Chapter 11: Primary MRI Magnets
 | Permanent magnets (summarized in Table 11-1) |
 | Resistive electromagnets (summarized in Table 11-2) |
 | Superconducting electromagnets (summarized in Table 11-3) |
 | Shielding (passive and active on page 139, Fig. 11-14) |
 | Superconductor operating (quench + ramping up on Fig. 11-17) |
Chapter 12: Secondary MRI Magnets
 | Shim coils (including ppm scale and shimming the magnet) |
 | Gradient coils (X, Y, Z, and combined) |
 | The radiofrequency probe (quadrature coil and surface coils - array coils) |
Chapter 13: The Purchase Decision and Site Selection
 | Selecting the imager ( Tables 13-1 and 13-2) |
 | Considerations for location (Table 13-3) |
 | Effect of magnet on the environment (Table 13-4, Fig. 13-5) |
 | Methods to reduce fringe magnetic field (page 168) |
 | Effect of the environment on the MR imager (Fig. 13-11) |
Chapter 14: Digital Imaging
Whole chapter is for your own information (not included in exam)
Chapter 15: A Walk through the Spatial Frequency Domain
 | Spatial frequency patterns and order |
 | k-space definition and trajectory computation (Handout) |
Chapter 16: The Musical Score
 | The function of gradient coils |
 | Slice selection |
 | Frequency and phase encoding |
 | Pulse sequence diagrams (partial saturation, spin echo and inversion
recovery) |
Chapter 17: Magnetic Resonance Images
 | Magnetic resonance imaging parameters |
 | Pure magnetic resonance images |
 | Weighted images |
 | Partial saturation |
 | Inversion recovery |
 | Spin echo |
 | Contrast determination (Table 17-2 for spin echo as an example) |
 | Volumetric Acquisition: multislice vs. 3D Fourier imaging (Handout) |
 | SNR (Handout) |
Chapter 22: Motion, Flow and MR Angiography
 | Time of flight MRA |
 | Three dimensional MRA (MIP method) |

Chapter 14: Linear and Computed Tompgraphy
 | Introduction |
 | Linear tomography (concept in Fig. 14.1 only) |
 | Computed axial tomography (CAT) configurations |
 | Spiral / helical CT |
 | CT numbers |
 | CT image reconstruction |
 | Block diagram of Fig. 14.20 |
Chapter 16: Nuclear Medicine: Radiopharmaceuticals and Imaging Equipment
 | Tomography: single photon emission tomography (SPECT)
 | Principle of operation (including Fig. 16.11 (a)) |
 | Attenuation correction |
 | Tomography: positron emission tomography (PET)
 | Imaging equipment |
 | Comparison of other tomographic techniques (especially Table 16.19) |

 | Hemodialysis (Sec. 13.4 + Handout)
 | Hemodialysis1.pdf: Definitions (Sec. 3), Monitors and alarms for
dialysate systems and blood circuits (Sec. 4.2.4 and its subsections
except, Chart of Alarms (Table 1). |
 | Hemodialysis2.pdf: Symbols for hemodialysis system components. |
 | Hemodialysis3.pdf: Not Required. |
 | Measurement of Blood Flow/Volume (Chapter 8)
 | Indicator-dilution methods using continuous injection |
 | Indicator-dilution methods using rapid injection |
 | Thermodilution. |
 | Ultrasonic flowmeters (Section 8.4)
 | Transit-time flowmeter (pages 346-347) |
 | Continuous-wave Doppler flowmeter (pages 347-349 - only equation and
Example 8.3) |
 | Chamber plethysmography (Section 8.6) |
 | Therapeutic and Prosthetic Devices (Chapter 13)
 | Cardiac pacemakers (Section 13.1 - mainly block diagrams) |
 | Defibrillators (Section 13.2 - only capacitive discharge type) |
 | Infant incubators (Section 13.7) |
 | Surgical instruments (Section 13.9 - only electrosurgical unit) |
 | Physiological effects of electricity (section 14.1 - especially Fig.
14.1) |